• Start/ Reception of contributions: May-05- 2023

  • New Deadline for receipt of contributions: December-15-2023

  • Maximum date of notification of acceptance to the author: December-30-2023

  • Deadline for send final version / video / assignment of publication: January-15-2024

  • Date of the event March-14 and 15-2023.



GUIDELINES International Symposium of Reflections and Advances on the Problem of the Four Colors and the Theory of Graphs.


International Congress of Mathematical Objects and Objects.

Types of articles to submit: Research reports on theoretical mathematics, mathematical applications, essays and comments on mathematical works in:

A) Mathematical Objects: Theoretical Productions related to Axioms, Theorems, Demonstrations, Corollaries, Lemmas and others related to pure mathematics.

B) Mathematical Objectives: Proposals, Investigations, Developments and Prototypes using the Mathematical Structure of Objects applied in Science, Technology and other branches.

International Symposium of Reflections and Advances on the Problem of the Four Colors and the Theory of Graph.

  1. Four Color Problem. Topology and the Problem of the Four Colors.

  2. Graph Theory and the Four Colors Problem.

  3. Enumeration Theory and the Problem of the Four Colors.

  4. Modeling and Simulation in the Four Colors Problem and Graph Theory.

  5. Applications in the Four Colors Problem and Graph Theory.

      Reception of papers email:                                revistajoom@gmail.com

            Download Article Template               

The Congress and Symposium will be published in the Open Access Journal of Mathematical Objects and Objectives under the BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative) and model the Open Access model; which means the availability of free access through the Internet to the public, allowing any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, store, search, digitize or link to the full texts of these articles for tracking and indexing; without the need for financial, legal or other compensation.

The overall presentation and arrangement of each page of the Journal of Mathematical Objects and Objectives is the property of their respective authors. In each published article the authors retain the copyright of their work, but readers are free to reuse the material as long as the corresponding citations are given properly, it is not modified or used for commercial purposes; as all articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND).

The opinions expressed by the authors in the Journal of Mathematical Objects and Objectives do not necessarily reflect the position of the editors of the publication. Guidelines:

1.-The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor).

2.-The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format according to the attached JOOM format and available on the CIOOM page.

3.-Instructions must be followed to ensure an anonymous evaluation.

Copyright notice: The members of JOOM magazine will have the rights to publish the articles accepted in the magazine, for which the author must sign a non-exclusive publication license that will be sent to the authors once the publication is approved. In this right, the author or authors also undertake to ensure that they are the legitimate owners of the contribution, that it is original and that there are no copyright problems with third parties. The author does not lose his copyright or republication rights for the above described on CC BY-NC-ND and BOAI. Privacy Statement: The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used solely for the purposes stated in this magazine and will not be passed on to third parties or used for any other purpose. 



  • Article language: English.

  • Presentation / video language: English (subtitles).

  • Presentation: National Authors is a Mandatory Requirement to present a face-to-face presentation for its Publication and certificate.

  • Authors residing abroad: a) Face-to-face b) On-Line c) Video; for publication and certificate

  • Presentation time: 30 minutes + 15 minutes for questions and answers.

  • Publication cost in the special issue December 2024 indexed and refereed with ISSN: Free.


  • Article language: Spanish.

  • Presentation / video language: Spanish / English (subtitled).

  • Paper: National Authors is a Mandatory Requirement to present a face-to-face paper for its publication and certificate.

  • Authors residing abroad: a) Face-to-face b) On-Line c) Video; for publication and certificate.

  • Presentation time: 30 minutes + 15 minutes for questions and answers.

  • Publication cost in the special issue June 2024 indexed and refereed with ISSN: Free.